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2018 Events
January 2018 - 4-part Family Purity Course
January 11th 2018 - Masechet Makkot Siyum
January 17th 2018 - From Hollywood to the Holy Land
January 30th 2018 - Tu Bishvat Seder and Supper
January 31st and February 7th 2018 - Mitzvot ha-Teluyot ba'Aretz
February 14th 2018 - Women's Medical Clowning Workshop
February 21st 2018 - Mitzvah of Tzedaka
Febraury 22nd 2018 -
Masechet Megillah Masechta-thon
March 2nd, 2018-
Purim Seudah
March 22nd-
Shabbat Hagadol Drasha
April 18th, 2018-
Yom Ha'atzmaut and the IDF Experience
May 3rd, 2018-
Lag Ba'Omer BBQ
May 11th, 2018-
Walking Tour of Nachlaot
May 17th, 2018-
3rd Masechta-thon
in honor of Shavuot
May 19th, 2018-
Shavuot Shiurim
May 20th, 2018-
Women's Kiddush in the Park
July 16th- Masechtathon in Honor of the Yartzheit of Mrs. Aviva Hirschman
July 31st-August 1st- Tisha B'Av
August 26th- Hafrashat Challah Evening
September 2nd- Midnight Selichot
September 3rd- How to be a Shadchan for Yourself and Others
September 24th- Kashrut with Rabbi Norman Schloss
October 25th-
Grand Masechtathon- Masechet Shabbat
October 25th- Evening of Learning for Women
October 27th- Communal Seudat Shlishit
November 22nd- Siyum Masechet Megillah
December 26th-
Stay Healthy and Live a Long Life
December 29th-
Younbg Couples' Melava Malka
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