kollel Shiur
4:15pm Defining Chuppah and Nisuin
Women's Shiur
8:00pm Parshat Hashavua shiur.
Rebbetzin Yehudis Golshevsky
Tuesday Evening
8:00pm Maariv (Shiur@8:20pm)
The theme of this series is Interpersonal Relationships: Contemporary Issues in the Halachot of בין אדם לחבירו.
by Rav Azarya Berzon
Morning Beit Medrash Program Shiur
11:45am Framework for the laws of Muktzah
Gemara shiur
8:00pm Maariv (Shiur@8:20pm)
Mishna and Gemara in Massechet Makkot
by Rav Azarya Berzon (Shiur@8:20pm)
Kollel Shiur
12:15pm Birchot Nisuim
1:45pm with Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner: Halachot
Interactive Mens Learning Program
8:00 Maariv
8:15 Chevruta Learning (optional class with Chananya Weisman on TANACH)
9:30 Short D'var Torah and Refreshments
Parashat HaShavua
Kli Yakar and Maharal
By Rabbi Poston and Dr Kuhr
at the Kasdan Residence in Baka - please call for info - 052-616-5613
Please join our ongoing Daily Morning Beit Midrash Program
Every morning between 10:00 am through 1:15 pm
There is room for more men to join our exciting Morning Beit Midrash Learning
Program which includes:
Guided Chavruta learning
Gemara b'iyun
Study of the Halachot relevant to the Gemara in the Rambam & Shulchan Aruch
Air-conditioned Beit Midrash with a resounding Kol Torah
Bring your chevruta along, or we'll organise one for you!
Erev Shabbat
8:00 am Shiur by Rabbi Azarya Berzon 5:00 pm Community Shiur with Rabbi Azarya Berzon Shabbat ends 6:47 pm |
Parashat Lech Lecha
8 Cheshvan 5773 11-12 October
For more information about other worth-
while classes in the area click here
MyShteiblech was created to deliver timely information about the various shiurim and events in Jerusalem for the Anglo Olim community