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Yamim Nora'im 5775


Elul is here! We have already started to blow the shofar, and the Yamim Noraim are around the corner. As you make your plans for the high holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we want to invite you, your family and friends to join us for the High Holiday services at the Emek Learning Center. Services will, of course, be accompanied by scrumptuous kiddushim, excellent shiurim and moving tefillot.
Please let us know if you will be coming as the seats are limited and we want to accommodate as many people as possible. Suggested donations for seats are as follows:

For People Living in Israel:
*Price includes yearly membership dues

Single Seat*                          800nis
Family* (price per person)     600nis

For Visitors from Chutz L'Aretz:
Single Seat                            500nis
Family (price per seat)           360nis
Please make sure to let us know if we should reserve a seat for you as soon as possible as space is limited.

© 2018 EMEK LEARNING CENTER. All rights reserved.

Emek Refa'im St 64, Jerusalem

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